The Photoshop challenge site asked its readers to represent well-known food with literal pictures. Here are ten of the best. Can you work out what food each picture represents? Put your mouse over image to see the food name.
The Photoshop challenge site asked its readers to represent well-known food with literal pictures. Here are ten of the best. Can you work out what food each picture represents? Put your mouse over image to see the food name.
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The article on antibiotics are very good.
Hi, cool post. I have been wondering about this topic,so thanks for writing.
Great art. Worth1000 has some cool contests.
Kiwi Chick? Cute picture but not in any way is it a “well-known food”.
Only Americans would call a food completely devoid of Buffalo, Buffalo Wings or name fried shoe-string potato chips French-Fries when they aren’t remotely French. What can one expect from a Country that uses the expression “As American as Apple-Pie” when they actually mean that something is American, despite the fact that Apple-Pie existed hundreds of years before Columbus accidentally re-discovered North America. Then again, a Kiwi-Fruit is actually a Chinese Gooseberry.