Hot tubs have become one of the top-selling items in recent years. As more people put off travel and holidays, they are instead opting to spend their money on items that make their homes more enjoyable. Hot tubs, spas, saunas, and the likes have become a must-have for many families. So, if you’re looking to enhance your home life, why not get a hot tub?

The allure of hot tubs extends beyond just relaxation; they offer numerous health benefits as well. From relieving stress and muscle tension to promoting better sleep and improving circulation, the benefits of soaking in a hot tub are plentiful. Plus, the warmth of the water and the massaging jets create an incredibly comfortable experience, making it the perfect spot to unwind after a long day.

However, there’s always the issue of privacy. Who wants their neighbors looking in on them while they enjoy a relaxing evening in the hot tub? Not us! Therefore, here are the best backyard hot tub privacy ideas to ensure you can soak in peace and tranquility.

Best Hot Tub Privacy Ideas

The type of hot tub privacy solution that you end up choosing will of course all depend on your backyard.

The main points to keep in mind are:

  • The direction you are sheltering from – the street, neighbors, or even from overhead
  • Whether or not you want a permanent or temporary screen – some need privacy from drones
  • Whether you need complete or partial screening – you may not want to completely block out a view

All of these hot tub screen ideas can be adapted for each and every situation.

Hot Tub Privacy Fence

If you intend for your hot tub to stay in the same place for the foreseeable future, consider building a permanent or semi-permanent fence around it.

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Often the fence or screen doesn’t need to be right up against the tub but can be set further back to leave extra space. It just need to at least be between the tub and the direction people can look in.

A regular wooden fence can be installed relatively easily but also consider metal fencing, a farm-style fence with shade cloth, or a windscreening fence (as pictured above).

Mix things up and avoid blocking the entire view out from the tub by:

  • Creating a wooden slat fence – easier to look out through
  • Using wood lattice fencing – trellis looks great and offers privacy
  • Natural bamboo – the aesthetic goes well with a hot tub

See Through Fireplace As A Screen

A see-through fireplace is another way to create a partial screen for your hot tub.

Not only do these two-sided fireplaces look amazing, but they allow some view through to the other side, offer up some warmth, and really finish off an outdoor area.

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They can be run with gas or electricity for those wanting the hands-off approach, or for those who just love the authenticity of a wood fire, there are plenty in that style as well.

The best see-through fireplace should fit in with your outdoor design aesthetic, be easy to maintain, and provide privacy from the right direction.

They are available in all shapes and sizes and can be inserting an existing wall or have a new wall built around them. This option is better for those in cooler climates, but there’s nothing wrong with simply getting them for the great effect on a cool or warm evening session in the hot tub.

Faux Ivy Hot Tub Privacy Screen

While this option is a little bit tacky and won’t stand up to high winds, it’s an option for those needing a temporary solution.

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This faux ivy hot tub screen can be attached to stakes inserted into the ground at various points. It is designed to last a while, and shouldn’t fade in the sun, but it’s not a permanent answer to hot tub privacy.

Also, if you have already put up a trellis or wooden slat fence, but found you require more privacy, this type of product can be attached to that to block any holes.

Alternatively, you can grow your own hedge to shield your hot tub. That will take time, and something like these screens could suit while that grows.

A Shade Sail Screens Hot Tub From Above

A simple shade sail may also do the trick, especially if people can look in on your hot tub from above.

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If your hot tub is set below other homes or apartments, a shade sail will be the perfect solution. Also, it will keep you from getting burnt or rained on if you’re in the hot tub during the day.

Shade sails don’t require too much to install, however, you often need to set a couple of posts into the ground, or add some heavy-duty hooks to your home. Don’t skimp on setting it up correctly and you won’t lose it in the first storm that comes along!

A Gazebo Hot Tub Privacy Enclosure

Lastly, a gazebo is another great option for backyard hot tub privacy.

This option is almost definitely more expensive than previous options, but it’s worth it. A good gazebo can offer privacy from all four sides and above. Plus, if you get one large enough, it can also cover a table or other outdoor furniture.

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Other benefits include:

  • You can open up the sides when you want a view
  • Water and air temperature stays warmer when the gazebo is closed
  • Some models can be easily shifted or put into storage when not required

A gazebo or other type of complete canopy is the ultimate hot tub privacy idea, but as with all the other options, it has its pros and cons.

Hot Tub Landscaping On A Budget

If you’re on a budget, just stick with the cheaper screens.

You’ve already splashed out on the hot tub, and there may not be enough in the budget for a permanent, top-of-the-line privacy screen. Hopefully, at least one of these backyard hot tub privacy ideas will be exactly what you need.

In my opinion, there’s nothing better than a cold-brew or iced coffee in a warm hot tub in the winter, spring, summer, or fall. These are magical spaces that create many long-lasting memories and can help the body recover from a long day of work.

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