Alex Chinneck, the British artist renowned for his twisted art, is captivating audiences with his inventive approach to ordinary items. By distorting and transforming everyday objects like telephone booths, hammers, and lamp posts, Chinneck creates art that is both striking and surreal. His twisted art features mop handles bent into elegant bows and brushes constricted so tightly around canisters that blue paint spills out. Each piece stretches common objects to their limits, making them appear almost unusable.

This summer, Chinneck will debut two exciting new projects that showcase his art. In Bristol, he will install knotted lamp posts as a permanent feature, adding a unique flair to the cityscape. In Sheffield, a boat will perform an astonishing gravity-defying loop-the-loop along the Sheffield & Tinsley Canal. Additionally, you can see his latest kinetic sculptures as part of a special installation at Hérmes’s Hong Kong store, featured on Instagram.

Keep an eye out for these fascinating twisted art installations and dive into Chinneck’s imaginative world of art.

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