Have you ever seen advertisement from search engineering company like Google and Yahoo? Don’t be surprised, even they are already famous and have billions of users, they still do some advertising campaign when they need to promote themselves or introduce some new services. We have 2 series of campaigns from Google and Yahoo in today’s post, which is either funny or ironic, and of course creative.
Google “Did you mean?” Series
Though it may take you a second or two to actually understand what word was accidentally typed into Google, once you get it, these print ads are hilarious! Developed by Grey Istanbul, they were made to promote AdWords, Google’s own advertising platform. The tagline reads: “We know what you are searching for, even when you don’t.”

Did you mean? battleship

Did you mean? astronaut

Did you mean? jetlag
Yahoo 360 degree search
This Yahoo Campaign is launched in China aiming a Chinese local searching engine company “Baidu”. 100 degree has a double meaning, one is the angle of a search area and one is a metaphor to Baidu, Yahoo’s no.1 search engine competitor in China. In Chinese, Baidu means 100 degree. That is why the slogan comes from “Only search within 100 degree, why not use Yahoo! 360 degree search engine!”

Yahoo: Mermaid

Yahoo: Martians