Introducing “The Parrot Project,” a captivating art series by Nayan Shrimali, featuring intricate miniature paper artworks that showcase the beauty and diversity of parrot species. After spending 200 days meticulously crafting each piece, Nayan is thrilled to share his latest series of hand-cut and hand-painted miniature paper artworks.
This unique collection celebrates the vibrant beauty and lively personalities of parrots. From the stunning blues and bright reds of macaws to the forest greens of the rare kakapo, each bird is thoughtfully created to reflect the bold, playful nature of these remarkable creatures. Every feather and color is brought to life in vivid detail.
With each sale, 10% of proceeds support the Parrot Conservation Trust, highlighting the importance of protecting these charismatic birds and their habitats. The Parrot Project not only showcases artistic talent but also raises awareness about parrot conservation.
Explore The Parrot Project and discover the intricate beauty of these miniature paper artworks. Celebrate the diversity of parrot species and support a cause that helps protect these incredible birds.