Psychogeographies” is a captivating series of montages by artist Dustin Yellin, exploring the complexities of the human mind through a unique, cartographic lens. These stunning glass collages form human-like figures, each representing a web of dreams, desires, and connections. Yellin masterfully transforms abstract concepts into tangible art, offering viewers a visual journey into the depths of our psyche.

Each of Yellin’s sculptural pieces is crafted from layers of small objects and collage elements, intricately sandwiched between sheets of glass. These dynamic figures invite us to explore the labyrinth of human consciousness, blending the mental and physical realms in a continuous interplay. A recurring theme in Psychogeographies is a nod to the “Terracotta Army,” the ancient clay soldiers created to guard Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the afterlife. In this series, Yellin urges viewers to confront their own inner army of thoughts, feelings, and the shared consciousness that connects us all.

For more of Dustin Yellin’s thought-provoking work, visit his website and follow his latest updates on Instagram.

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