The style of an Instagram profile provides the ultimate first impression to visitors and prospective followers. If your feed amazes visitors, they will most likely tap the follow button. So, before you think about buying Instagram followers, work on the style of your Instagram profile.

Bear in mind the fact that Instagram was initially created as a photo-sharing app. Thus, visual appeal is a major factor to consider when designing the style of your profile. Having more than a billion active monthly users, Instagram is more than a simple photo-sharing app. It’s a platform that some people can’t afford to mess up with when it comes to business.

So, your Instagram profile should appeal to every visitor both visually and in terms of the content that you post regularly. Whether new or already have an account, here are some of the ideas that you can use to design the style of your Instagram profile.

Plan Your Feed

Before you start designing the style of your Instagram profile, plan it. That means you should have an idea of how you want your Instagram feed to look like. For instance, what will be the color of your Instagram feed? What will be the quality of the photos that you will post?

When you start by planning your feed, you can save energy and time when it comes to designing your Instagram profile’s style. You can even think about improving your profile style while planning.

It’s also important to consider how you will embed your Instagram feed on your site if you have one. You have some options when it comes to embedding an Instagram feed on a website. Therefore, consider different options and how they work when designing your Instagram profile style.

Plan Your Instagram Grid

Grid layouts on Instagram are important for people that pay attention to details. A checkerboard or rainbow feed can’t be created if an account is inconsistent. If an image does not match with the overall aesthetics or theme of an Instagram profile, it looks out of place. And, this can’t do an account favors when it comes to marketing. The image or post will also have less engagement.

Luckily, Instagram’s layout ideas can be planned to perfection using the right tools. Therefore, find and use a tool that enables you to plan the grid layouts of your Instagram profile. Work with it to ensure consistency in your aesthetic, theme, and images.

Choose and Use the Same Tools to Edit

The first impression of a brand on Instagram is mostly determined by the grid layouts. As such, you should choose filters, color schemes, and themes that resonate with your target audience. Using editing tools is a great way to achieve a cohesive feel and look that you want for your Instagram feed. For instance, you can use the same presets for Adobe light. You can also have a unique visual style for your profile. Nevertheless, choosing and using the same tools to edit can give your Instagram profile a unique design style.

Understand Your Target Audience

Before you design the style of your Instagram profile, consider your target audience. Play with the layout, colors, look, and layouts of your profiles and then check the engagement rates. You can stick to a single theme for some time. However, you may not need a specific layout. For instance, if you have a traveler’s Instagram profile, you don’t have to stick to one theme. You can change your theme a couple of times to see what gets you more visitors and followers.

Choose Your Color Palette

The color scheme that you choose is an important aspect of the design style for an Instagram profile. Therefore, choosing the color palette is a great step in the process of designing a style for an Instagram profile. If you have a brand, stick to its colors to make it easy to recognize on Instagram. Essentially, you should stick to your brand colors across social medial networks and marketing materials. This will make your brand easy to remember and recognize. As such, you don’t have to choose new colors if your brand has corporate colors or a logo.

Get Inspirational Feeds

You need inspiration from the outside when it comes to designing the style of your Instagram profile. Therefore, engage in some research. Browse Instagram to find a profile that appeals to you. Nevertheless, have a vision of the kind of an Instagram profile that you want in mind.

You can check out the profiles of influencers and competitors in your industry. Once you find appealing Instagram profiles in your niche, ask questions like do the profiles use certain grid layouts? How do the layouts affect their followers’ experience? Are the chosen grid layouts responsible for the appeal of the brands?

You may find Instagram accounts with different layout and design elements. Therefore, analyze those elements carefully to determine how you can include or tweak them to suit your design. Additionally, follow inspiring accounts to see how their owners alter them. This will give you more ideas for designing the style of your Instagram profile.

Choose the Right Font

Instagram is largely about visuals. However, you can also include text in the visuals that you post on this platform. You could be an entrepreneur that wants to motivate and inspire followers. You may also be a business that wants to share information about an industry. A non-profit organization can also have an Instagram profile that it uses to connect with followers. Regardless of the nature of the account for which you are designing an Instagram profile, great text with the right fonts can boost the following. Therefore, come up with quality and relevant text and post it using the right font alongside your visuals.

The Bottom Line

Creating an Instagram account may seem easy for some people. However, when you have a goal and a strategy for achieving it, you have to work harder. Designing a style of your Instagram profile is one of the things you have to do to accomplish your goal. This may seem hard but you can do it if you try these ideas. Try them out to create the style you desire for your Instagram profile.

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