When I first saw the picture without checking the detail, I thought that was an unbelievable coincidence that our magic Mother Nature just created. An Adidas logo shape mountain, seriously, how that is possible. Then I kept scrolling, and I saw Audi, BMW, Facebook. Yeah, that can’t be true. It must some PS work. The fact is, it is not PS, but of course, it isn’t real as well.

These incredibly scenes were created by Vatsal Kataria, a talented photographer who uses nothing more than a camera and the miniature worlds he creates. In order to create his masterpieces, the photographer uses an array of lighting, props and spray painting techniques. The creative process, however, can take some time. For me, the best part of his landscape brand collection is these creations aren’t so perfectly. You can roughly tell yeah, that is the brand. But everything just looks really natural and makes you can’t help thinking, maybe that is real.





Calvin Klein



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