Art is no boundary. Just like someone prefer using their knives to paint and someone like to create the portrait with thousands of nails. Italian Artist Maurizio Savini creates amazingly detailed and slightly disturbing sculptures out chewing bubblegum. For the past ten years, artist Marizio Savini has been making sculptures from thousands of pieces of chewed bubble gum, and sells his creations for as much as £40,000 each.

Sculpture Art Using Chewing Bubblegum

Sculpture Art Using Chewing Bubblegum

Sculpture Art Using Chewing Bubblegum
But why bubblegum? The artist said: “The reason I like to use chewing gum is because it seemed to me an amazingly versatile material compared to those used by the traditional arts such as painting. Despite its history of it belonging to popular culture, chewing gum does not have a statute of its own within institutional art. I believe that in my work on this material is redeemed and acquires a capacity and it has an expressive dignity of its own. — Telegraph

Sculpture Art Using Chewing Bubblegum

Sculpture Art Using Chewing Bubblegum

Sculpture Art Using Chewing Bubblegum

Sculpture Art Using Chewing Bubblegum

Sculpture Art Using Chewing Bubblegum

Sculpture Art Using Chewing Bubblegum
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