For the past 15 years, Matt Wilson has been transforming found utensils into stunning recycled metal sculptures. By bending, welding, and mounting segments of cutlery, he creates lifelike bird forms where spoon bowls become plumage and fork prongs mimic quills. The intricate decorative details of silverware handles add to the unique character of each bird’s crown.

Wilson sources his materials secondhand, often from thrift stores. He emphasizes, “It’s such a sustainable source with a seemingly endless supply. They’re always in stock at thrift stores.

Based in Charleston, Wilson collaborates with his friend Jacob Kent to provide habitats for each metal bird. These sculptures are mounted within set frameworks, placed against arched wooden backgrounds, or perched on outdoor branches. “The older I get, the more fascinated I am by birds. The more I watch and pay attention to them, the more inspired I get to try different poses,” says Wilson. The contrast between the birds’ rigid metal forms and their organic, natural surroundings creates a captivating visual effect.

Wilson continuously adds to his flock. Follow him on Instagram for the latest updates, or visit his website and online shop, Airtight Artworks, to see more of his creations.

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