When we eat avocado, we probably want to have the one with small pit. While it might be different for Jan Campbell who can actually transform the pit into handheld totems and pendants. Her handiwork boasts fantastical figurines and guardians of the forest that are created with an impressive attention to intricate detail.
When asked why Jan would choose to carve on avocado pit, she said “When I accidentally scraped the surface of the stone with my nail, a beautiful deep orange pigment surfaced. It occurred to me then to try carving it.” After obtaining some lino-cutting tools, she engraved the pit with a “strange little face” and let it dry. The final result was as hard as wood and set her on a new artistic path.
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Could you please give me am email for Jan. I’d be very interested in having her carve a figure for me.
You can connect her from her Etsy store