Sandwich Monsters is a hobby blog created by creative director Kasia Haupt [Instagram] where she publishes her absolutely spectacular sandwiches that she makes out of everyday lunchtime foods.
Haupt created her first sandwich monster at design college. And now, it has become her hobby. According to Haupt, “I get excited finding new types of bread and fillings to work with, but my favorite ingredients are meat and cheese because they just seem inherently funny to me. Plus they’re versatile, easy to manipulate, and delicious. I also love the olive eyes. They give a consistency to my sandwiches.”
It usually take from 30 minutes to a couple of hours to build a sandwich. Then Haupt will take picture for her creation as quickly as possible so she can eat the sandwich. Honestly, I think the sandwich monsters are a more practical idea compared with some other food art I’ve seen before. Because there is no problem to eat sandwich cold. But generally, I prefer to eat the food as-is.