If you’re thinking about a new weekend project to refresh your home, using spray paint on your furniture might just be what you’re looking for. For wooden furniture, especially intricate designs, spray painting is an easy way of achieving a smooth and even finish. If you want to know how to flawlessly spray paint it so it looks as if a professional did it, we’re here to help you step by step. Know how to prep well, and which spray paint to use to achieve durable and beautiful pieces of wood furniture.

Let’s learn about HVLP sprayers, and the simple steps of prepping and spray painting furniture.

HVLP (high volume, low pressure)

If you’re into woodworking and want to give your pieces a great finish, you might want to use professional spray paint for a perfect finish. HVLP sprayers use a turbine to create air pressure. They’re delicate, controlled machines that usually take a bit of experience to master.

But, if you’ve ever sprayed a woodworking finish with a quality HVLP gun from Fuji Spray Systems, you know that the controls and mixing chambers of such a spray gun are refined to a new level. It might be hard to go back to a paintbrush or even settle for a lesser spray gun if you’ve already had such a professional experience.

Also, professional spray systems are designed for woodworking in the way they offer cooler operating temperatures, no dust or debris blown around, and reduce operating noise levels. If you want to expertly spray paint your furniture, this type of spray system would be your best choice.


First off, make sure you prepare a suitable worksite outdoors since it will allow great ventilation, but beware of the weather, bugs, and other factors as well. Another great option would be to spray paint your wooden furniture inside a garage and make sure you cover the floor and any nearby items to keep them dust-free. Also, think about the lighting if you’re painting in an enclosed space.

Start scraping off any loose paint from the furniture, just be careful not to gouge the wood with the scraper. After scraping, sand the furniture with a palm sander or sandpaper to get into the crevices. This will remove all the rough edges.

Once you’ve finished sanding the furniture, wipe it down with a tack cloth to remove dust, and avoid using water as it will penetrate the wood and may cause damage. Remember to vacuum the area thoroughly if you don’t want any dust to land on the furniture when the pain is wet.

Start spray painting

Apply spray primer for even coverage, and you might want to use a white primer under light color paint, and a darker one under darker color paint. Remember to spray slowly to avoid drips and overspray. You can start with the underside of the furniture, and use a back and forth motion. Apply 2 to 3 light coats, allowing them to dry between each application, just make sure you check the primer label since drying time can vary.

Before you start spray painting the furniture, you might want to practice on a scrap object, especially if it’s your first time. This is great to get accustomed to how powerful and consistent the spray gun behaves, and also figure out where to stand and how to move. Once the primer is dried you can apply a light coat of spray paint to the furniture using even strokes, and once you’re done spray painting, wait 2-3 hours for it to dry completely.

Remember, wood furniture usually needs one or two coats of primer before painting. Make sure you’re wearing protective gear and have proper ventilation since primer and paints have harsh chemicals and fumes. Use a face mask, ventilation fan, or simply open the windows if you’re in an enclosed space.

Other things to consider

Note that the primer must match the type of spray paint you’ve chosen, and never leave the primer unpainted. Also, avoid spraying in dusty or windy conditions if working outdoors. Make sure you maintain the right distance between the paint can and furniture, and never stop moving your hand as you spray. Try to avoid spraying from too far or too close.

In closing

Spray painting may seem easy, but if you want to paint in an expert way make sure you purchase the right materials and follow the right instructions. Painting with a brush may result in drips and brush marks, but spray paint can give you a near-perfect look. And remember, wood requires some preparatory steps before applying spray paint so make sure you know what you’re doing.

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