Inspired by the interplay and relationship between “good” and “evil”, embodied by animals, the 5 artworks in “Symbols of Life” Series by artist Jonas Jödicke are forming popular symbols with commonly known meanings: heart, Yin & Yang, circle, eternity and the peace symbol.
This series went so successful that Jonas Jödicke, the self-taught artist who started digital painting when he was 14 years old was be able to make a living by selling prints, clothing, coloring books and original artworks. Altough, not everyone can live on their hobby, Jonas still want to tell those who wants to pursue theirs dreams “Stay true to who you are. Be brave. You will never know, if the life you dream of living could come true, if you do not take a risk and at least TRY pursuing it.” Below is the 5 artwork from the “Symbols of Life” Series and if you like them, you can order the print from Jonas’s Etsy Store. There are other amazing works you can find there as well.
Yin and Yang
Eternal bond
Circle of life
via: boredpanda