When I first saw these adorable sweets, I was amazed and wondered who would eat them. They are just too cute! Then I am glad to find out, these sweets looking things are not real food. These are clay creation by Japanese clay figure designer Pobot (@CocoGfj). Pobot is definitely a master of teasing appetites with adorable and clever fake sweets.
Seriously, Pobot’s creations simply look to cute to eat–which is a good thing since they aren’t actually edible to begin with! Pobot’s latest artistic treat may be their most tempting yet. The talented artist has whipped up a batch of shiba inu macaron figures. Take a look at these charming shiba. I am so glad I don’t need to eat them as well as not guilty of wasting food.
For those who live in Japan, they can order these adorable figures from Pobot’s minne online store. However, due to its popularity, many of them are sold out. For us who live outside of Japan, we can follow Pobot on Twitter for even more amazing clay fake sweets.