Enigma Café, the first kinetic steampunk pub is literally making history with its kinetic sculptures and sparked quite a share craze online after first appearing on the Facebook page. Designed by Romanian based designers Alexandru Tohotan and Zoltan Zelenyak, this place is full of wonders – dozens of finely designed steampunk details, rotating wheels, metallic flowers opening up on the ceiling, a live moving bird, a giant moving clock and even a robot. The works took almost two years to come to life, but the efforts are well worthwhile, offering an unparalleled experience for having your regular cup of coffee at a bar.
Check the video at the bottom to take a peek inside, and if you have chance, you can visit it at Enigma at Iuliu Maniu, Nr 12, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Photos by Zoly Zelenyak from The 6th-Sense Interiors.