Pancake maybe one of the most easiest baking to make. All you need is flour, milk, eggs, a pinch of salt/sugar and any other flavoring you may want. Things get even easier when you some professional pancake making machine. However, if you want to make some unusual and eye-catching pancake like the tiger pancake shown in this post, you need to know how to draw as well. Here are steps of how to create a tiger pancake:
Step 1: Draw sketch of tiger face on paper
Step 2: Use spoon/straw to draw the tiger on pan with sauce, such as chocolate
Step 3: Make sure the sauce face dried out on pan
Step 4: Carefully add your pancake butter into the pan and make sure the butter stay inside the tiger face outline just draw
Step 5: Heat until the pancake butter is fully cooked
Step 6: Not it is time to enjoy tiger face pancake.
via: imgur