The Rubik’s Cube or magic cube is a 3-D combination puzzle invented by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture ErnÅ‘ Rubik. As the world’s top-selling puzzle game, you can find it almost everywhere. Although I am not a puzzle expert, I have played many varieties of the Rubik’s cube. However, all of cubes are solved by color while the fruit puzzels in this article are based on shape which is the first time I saw such puzzle.

This collection has three different fruits. The apple and lemon are a 3×3 shape-mod while the banana is a 2x2x3 shape-mod. The fruit magic cube is made of non-toxic material: ideal for kid’s early cognitive development. This is a great brainteaser puzzle toy. The speed cube could help to practice people’s ability of spatial thinking, observation ability and reaction capacity. And it is a great challenge of perseverance and patience, so it is specially good for those growing children.

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Apple Magic Speed Cube ($13.29) [buy on amazon]

Banana Magic Speed Cube ($13.69) [buy on amazon]

Lemon Magic Speed Cube ($11.32) [buy on amazon]

Get the set ($32.99)[buy on amazon]

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