For most people, traditional anatomical mounts are quite crucial and fading out in their decoration options. However, having a aniaml head trophy on the wall is still attractive for some people. To meet the request and protect animal at the same time, Artist Kelly Rene Jelinek fabricates life-sized replicas of taxidermied animal heads using fragments of upholstery fabric. The artist begins with the same foam mounts utilized by actual taxidermists to which she applies shreds of fabric, yarn, rubber, resin (or found) antlers, and glass marble eyes. Alougth, these creation is not realistic, they do looks awesome and surprisingly modern. As Jelinek said “I find that I am constantly trying to make “real life” more magical and extraordinary through the artwork that I create.” If you like them, you can follow her on Instagram. Moreover, Jelinek sells many of her original works on Etsy for those who want to collect them.